Summer Assignment


Science Fair Project Timeline
Title of Assignment
Choose Topic (Title, Hypothesis, & Problem)
10-15 Sources each with summarization on note cards
Experimental Design (Variable, materials & Procedures)
Collect Data/ Analysis (Research)
Project due Date (Presentation)
In School Judging
First Week (For a Grade)
TBA (For a Grade)
TBA (For a Grade)
TBA (Ongoing)
Nov. 29-30 (Block Schedule)
Choose three topics which interest you
Study the available information
State the purpose of your project
Develop your hypothesis
Plan your project experiment
Analyze your data
Reach and state your conclusion
Prepare your final report
A.   Title Page
B.   Abstract
C.   Project Introduction
D.   Details of the Experiment
E.   Description of Results
F.    Assessment and Conclusion
G.   Research Bibliography
H.   Acknowledgements
Website for forums:
Click “Home” then click “High School Science” then “Competitions”.
Follow odd/ even schedule closet to due date given.
Submit pictures of work in progress with identification. (Student name, project title and date)
Teacher will keep all photographs.
No faces allowed in the photographs.
Keep duplicate copies of photographs to be displayed on project.
Projects will be worked on only at home with the consultation as needed from teacher.

How to write your paper/ do your presentation reference:

Creating Figures and Tables:

Science Fair Board:  NEW!!!

More Science Fair Resources (availavle since project was given):